This is a wine that has been long available in Alko. For many years I remember that the vintage on sale was 2007. It only recently changed to 2009. Nowadays Alko announces 2010 on its Internet site but 2009 is still widely available.
The Malbec Barrel Select 2007 was a very interesting wine and considering the winemaking of this category of wine, I did not expect the 2009 to be too far from the 2007: which means, a bargain. Unfortunately I was proved wrong.
This wines feels first pretty unpleasant in the nose with dominance of fermentation and dairy aromas. The mouth feels unbalanced and diluted. There is not a lot to add, the wine is unpleasant to drink, not really well done. I don’t expect it to get really better considering the lack of structure. Is it just a problem with this bottle? The wine did not change in three days. In my opinion, this is a major pass.
Wineops’ rating: 54/100 ; 0 0